(Note: This is the final update until next reprinting. This pdf is an exact copy of what is printed in soft cover, excluding only the end index of terms. Any found errors in spelling, grammar, or fact will be gladly accepted for future printings. Please share this pdf freely (without profit) as you see fit, without need for author’s permission. However, no permission is given for any reproduction or printing in any bound format, nor for any gain or profit. The printed, soft-cover book version is only available from direct, charitable contact with the author at this time, not in bookstores or at the Babylonian whore Amazon. Otherwise, play this pdf forward without limit and without any expectation.)
**Special thanks to Craig Stuckless for his time and effort as my cover and design artist.
**Note: Best viewed in Adobe Acrobat
This work is now printed (unpublished) and shipping in soft cover. For an unconditional gift of at least $40 to support my future writing efforts, past and future documentary productions, radio shows, and so as to ensure that I can continue to offer them freely to all (and just to eat), I will happily ship as a free gift a printed soft-cover copy to you…
(See instructions below).

Donations For Clint’s Book Printing Fund

Or send to:
Clint R.
*No longer able to keep a PO Box
due to massive censorship and lack of support.

Got questions? Wanna talk?
Email me:

— Order/Mail Instructions —
If you find this to be an agreeable exchange after examining this free pdf and finding value in my sourced research and work, then please send an email with a subject line that states “TO BE DELIVERED” to ( with your mailing address, stating your desire to receive the unconditional gift of a free printed book in the mail. Note, for international orders, shipping costs are more than the book, so please ask for details, or add $30 for shipping). Please indicate how many copies you are seeking. *Bear in mind that this in no way is a “sale” or “purchase,” is not a taxable transaction, and no receipt will be offered. I will send out the books as requests come in through USPS media mail. In other words, your gift is in support of me and my future efforts and livelihood, not the payment of any price or charge for this absolutely and always free work. If you feel the need for legal contracts in legal persona to have any trust in men, and thus in myself, especially after reading my work, then I do not hold much hope that you may ever come out of her. My work is not for sale. This is not a legal or commercial transaction. Please utilize the free download, and may you come find the path to self-evident Truth.
How Strawman came to be…
The following is excerpted from my blog ( and contains instructions on how to receive a printed book. Further updates to this website to follow. Please leave all comments in the “COMMENTS AND REVIEWS” page above.
My readers should know that this is Volume I of a two or three Volume set, and that this first Volume when printed into book format will be around 1140 pages, with future volumes equally large.
For those that might use this page number count as an excuse not to read this work, consider that just one of my multitude of sources for this work, “A Treatise On The Law Of Agency” (1905) weighs in at 1146 pages alone. It was not but a few generations ago that the measure of a man was his ability to rhetorically speak of religion, law, and politics due to his collection of such various tomes, while the supposed men of today whine when a YouTube video is more than 10 minutes as they watch like children on a Saturday morning cartoon binge. To these so-called men I say, either grow up or do as thou wilt, as your adversary wishes.
I made a promise and vow that all of my work will forever remain free to all who seek it. And so I ask that you not only freely acquire this work for yourself here by downloading it without qualification, but also to freely share it with whomever you see fit. I ask nor expect nothing in return or consideration for this gift.
However, for those who may comprehend the truly fragile nature of digital things in an ever-increasingly censored digital realm not at all our own, I have endeavored to print this work out so that the current and future book-burners will have something to do. Alone I have no capacity to cause this work to be continued to be printed and freely spread. I need you to recommend and pass it to everyone you can, if indeed this is your disposition. I would not task anyone with such a request without first giving one the chance to read it for oneself. So enjoy and take to heart what is written in the Truth and intent it is written.
As I will never sell this work in any legally licensed or public capacity, keeping it at all times a private gift, I can only ask for donated gifts to be put forward by those interested in acquiring such a paper-bound, printed copy of this book. The first section of my work explains why I have chosen this particular path, and why I refuse to publish (make public) my private work under any fictional, legal state names or titles, why I refuse to register this work as the creation of any legal “person,” why I refuse to assign any ISBN or other mark or bar-code of the legal government upon it, and why, because of these choices this work in its printed form is only available though a direct contact with me. I will not sell this work for any price. I can only give it away freely and do the same as a printed work, unconditionally, to those who are willing to donate unconditionally a gift so that it may be printed and reprinted, and so that I might find food on my table.
And so herein is laid out the only way anyone can receive a free copy of this soon-to-be-printed work. The free copy in pdf will always remain for free to acquire to all, with no questions or strings attached, and with no consideration ever expected in return. For those that wish to donate to my efforts and future Volumes without receiving an actual soft-bound printed copy in the future, being content and happy with merely the digital pdf, I would be grateful for any unconditional gifts to help me continue with Volumes 2 and 3, as well as a future book on the history of the CAFR scam. But this gift is not at all necessary or expected in any way. Again, please share this work freely and without exception, without consideration of charge or profit and without any false sense of guilt.
I have fielded several estimates and have finally found a local book-printer (not a publisher) that has what appears to be the most reasonable prices. We have entered into an agreement and will have final printings in early June. In the interest of total transparency, my cost to print this work is around $7.50 each to print, and I will be paying shipping and handling. Foreign shipping is certainly more expensive, and you may donate a bit more to cover this cost if you choose. The remaining donation amount will be used for reprinting Volume 1 and hopefully for the first printing of Volume 2 some time next year, with a bit left over that I might keep the lights on and eat.
As I stand today, I am a bit short on donations, and will need to borrow what remainder is needed. If you would like to help now and also receive a copy hot off the presses in June, please consider donating to the cause! (See instructions below)
Donations For Clint’s Book Printing Fund
My lifestyle choices do not allow me to spend anything but on the bare essentials of existence with few exceptions. As I know many out there are as disenfranchised from this totally corrupt system as Iam, some by choice and others by happenstance, I will always give my work away for free to all who seek it. But I personally made this choice a decade ago, giving up my lucrative career only to hold a now worthless diploma and resume’, and a blackball from my so-called professional industry (Hollywood). I chose to become a full-time activist and researcher, and have participated in over 2,000 hours of radio as either a guest or a host without ever receiving a dime. I’ve honestly never had anything to sell. Amazingly, I get more criticism for this fact than praise, as it seems that we have been so thoroughly brainwashed as a cult-ure that when anything is offered for free there somehow must be something wrong with it or its author/creator. It seems that if I sold this work for ten cents I’d get more downloads than if I give it away freely in such Pure Love and Charity. This is just one aspect of the ultimate moral degradation of our collective being.
And so I have only this choice available to me if I am to stick to my guns in honor of what I have written and seek to teach and spread, which is to offer a free copy of this work in its printed, softcover book form in exchange for a suggested gift. As I am no salesman, I have no idea what to suggest, nor do I have any inkling as to what is “fair,” as if anything in this iniquitous money system could be labeled as such.
And so I offer two avenues. I will suggest that for a $40 gift I will send you a future free gift of a printed paperback book when it is soon printed. In this way I may raise enough to keep printing new batches, pay for shipping and handling (packaging), and dare I say to keep feeding myself in the process. Also, this may allow me to send some free copies to media and radio hosts, or anyone else in need without the perceived illegitimacy of a mere pdf copy, as ridiculous as that publicly induced perception is.
— Instructions —
If you find this to be agreeable after examining this free pdf and finding value in my research and work, then please send an email with a subject line that states “TO BE DELIVERED” to me at ( with your mailing address, and stating your desire to receive the gift of a free printed book in the mail. Please indicate where and by what method your unconditional gift was sent, and how many copies you are seeking. But bear in mind that this in no way is a “sale” or “purchase,” is not a taxable transaction, and no receipt will be offered. I will send out the books when they are printed and obviously not before. In other words, your gift is in support of me and my future efforts and livelihood, not the payment of any price or charge for this absolutely and always free work. If you feel the need for legal contracts in legal persona to have any trust in men, and thus in myself, especially after reading my work, then I do not hold much hope that you may ever come out of her. Please utilize the free download, and may you come find the right-hand path.
If you would like multiple copies, I will still recommend the above method and gift for each. However, if you wish to contact me and speak directly to acquire multiple copies, we may come to a mutual understanding. For while I would love the pdf to be passed out, I would be extremely pleased to see the printed book be passed out freely (charitably) as well. As there is and never will be a set price or any price whatsoever on this work in whatever form, I reserve the right to deal only with cool people. Lol. That’s the beauty of remaining in privacy. If you don’t like that, go back to your safe space.
Finally, if you are a bookstore and seek to acquire multiple copies for your store, you must know that I only accept gifts. I will not participate in any form of commerce, but will be happy to deal only with a man, not a person, employee, or owner of any corporation. How you handle that is up to you, but keep your legalities and fictional entities clear from me. Let’s talk. But be clear that this is not a “non-profit” work. It is not taxable nor is it tax-deductible. It holds no such rights or privileges from government. I will not play any of those reindeer games, and I will sign no contracts. This book is simply not approved by church and state!
Finally, let me say a big thank you to all who have selflessly supported me throughout this long journey. If I could explain how I feel right now, it is that I imagine that this is how it feels to let your child go free into this corrupted world after nourishing and nurturing him or her for so many years. Nothing is more frightening than to put the word “finished” on any work, especially one like this. I ask those who do read this free pdf to please let me know if you find any mistakes, either in spelling or in grammar, or for that matter in structure and interpretation. But please do not lose the forest for the trees, the whole for its parts. If you have questions on any point, please feel free to respectfully email me and place the word “question” in the title. But what I ask most of all is that if you have a critiquing comment on this work to please keep it to yourself until you have finished the whole. For this is a maxim of law and scriptural Truth, that one cannot judge the parts without experiencing and understanding the whole. Remember as well, that this is only Volume I, and that Volume II will continue where this one leaves off, providing ever more in depth evidence of what may be presently unclear. These Volumes are not separate works, but one whole work. The reader can only help the author and others with clear and concise questions, answers, and information regarding whatever is not comprehendible or missing.
This work is, as are each of the various systems of man’s law, very much like a jigsaw puzzle. Most find a large chunk of the puzzle and focus their whole lives upon that singular misleading piece or chunk of pieces, and so stop searching for or even regarding the whole. They become guru’s of their own puzzle piece, a part that ultimately means nothing without all the other pieces that make up the whole. In this work, I am attempting to connect all of these infinite pieces into a clear view of all the parts. This cannot be done in soundbites or in a short essay, but only in a voluminous work such as this. But please know that it is not that I have or claim to have all these pieces, for no one man does. The real goal lies in finding and securing the border of the puzzle, the foundation, so that all other pieces may fit inside of it and securely remain there.
The legal law is its own circular trap, its own puzzle, speaking itself into a false existence within its own proclaimed border of jurisdiction. Everything outside of that fictional realm is Reality, and is bound only by the Laws of Nature. And so we must learn to recognize all things by which puzzle, which design they fit into, and to keep those borders air tight, learning never to mix what is Real with what is fiction. For at some point, simply knowing what is fiction and what is not is enough to deny its power and to keep that big legal lie at bay within its own borders.
It is not ignorance of law that can be excused, only ignorance of fact. And the fact is that all of man’s legal law is artificial. Interestingly, law is not ever considered as fact. If you know this fact in your mind, body, heart, and soul and make no excuses for ignoring this fact, then you will never need or pretend any excuse or license for your own actions. You will never need any of man’s laws as your excuse for not having an excuse. You will never seek the judgment of man’s courts, never falling prey to their agents and magistrates (gods), the creators of their own puzzle (property). For they, in their false personas and legally flattering titles, exist only in their own legal world (jurisdiction) as creators and administrators of that big lie, behind the border (bar) of their own puzzling legal prison for the mind.
All comments are welcomed on this post and at the other website (preferred), but pointless and insulting rhetoric and fallacious attacks will be removed promptly. Constructive criticism is always welcome, if presented with a pure and loving intent to help others and improve upon my own knowledge. We all must begin choosing our words very carefully, speaking only towards the benefit of all others, and never to harm. This is the highest Law of Love and Charity.
If any of this is unclear, It is spelled out in the first 35 pages of this work. If you are wondering why I choose such unorthodox methods, it will become evermore clear with each turn of the digital page. I can say or do no more at this point.
Again, I thank all of you for your loving support and patience, allowing me to make so many mistakes and to then overcome them with your own words of wisdom. For the first time, I actually feel like I have accomplished what before seemed impossible – a work that may withstand the test of time and of history. I have sought after and found self-evident Truth; that which Arthur Schopenhauer stated and which I now can confirm, that, “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
I hope that my work brings the same enlightenment that it caused for myself to enjoy, as I learned and keep on learning. And now, without rest, I will continue with Volume II, a seamlessly connecting future part of this whole work.
Donations For Clint’s Book Printing Fund
If anyone may help in getting the word out about this work, be it via advertising, creating and posting a free banner of the above picture linked to the downloadable book on your own or on another website, posting that link in comments sections of other websites, arranging interviews or speaking engagements, etc., I would be most appreciative. I am website-illiterate in this regard, so any help and effort to spread the word about this free work is much appreciated. I would also love to travel and give talks on this information and actually have Real contact with people.
A (computer-generated) audio reading of this work will be posted soon as well.
With True Love and Devotion, and under my first and only private name…
–Clint (
–Friday, June 17th, 2016 (updated in August, 2017)